Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of school!

Today was the first day of school. This morning went very smoothly. We were all prepared the night before, so as soon as Robin got home from work this morning we were off. This is Amberly and Brenton in front of the school this morning. They were really not in the mood for pictures. Brenton wanted to get to class, and I think that Amberly is just tired of getting her picture taken all the time. Here is Brenton and his new teacher Mrs. Bennett.
Amberly is growing up so fast. We found out that she will be rotating between 3 teachers this year. This is her homeroom, science, and writing teacher. His name is Mr. Stowers.
This is going to be a very exciting year, I can't wait to see what all it has in store. Real quick, this evening Brenton says to me " Mama, my stomach hurts, I think that we have to cancel school." Kids make life so much fun. I can't imagine life without them.


The McIntires said...

It is so nice to get to see pictures of them on their first day... thanks to good ole blog! I thought about them all day.

TDMoer said...

Hope ya'll had a great 1st day at school.. Looks like you both will have fun teachers.. Nana loves you both. Can hardly wait to hear all about school.