Brily is officially a big girl now. She has started walking!!!
Congratulations Brily!
Brily is officially a big girl now. She has started walking!!!
Congratulations Brily!
Well, I knew it would happen some day, but I didn't think that it would be this soon. "What?", you ask am I talking about? What I'm talking about is a whole new decade. So I say, "Let the aging process begin." Ladies and Gentleman, I am now 30 YEARS OLD!!!!!! That's right no longer in my 20's. Now I guess that I really am a "MAM". Ugh.This morning my sister, and her whole office called me to sing Happy Birthday. I was really nice, except when instead of saying "happy birthday shannon", what I got was " happy birthday baby maker". I guess it might be a little true. Ha Ha!!! These flowers were waiting for me when I got home today. Thankyou amber, they are beautiful!
This is the card that was with my flowers, and it reads .....
"Happy birthday sister!! Hope these bright flowers make you feel young for the day. Sorry you're so old.
The Young One"
I guess I better get busy now working on my dancing skills. Afterall 30 is the oldest that they will take you on So You Think You Can Dance. For now, Adios!
Yesterday we celebrated the girls 1st birthday with a party. We had lots of friends and family over for a delicious dinner prepared by my mom. Thankyou very much mom!
Some of ou friends & family! Akira, Blake, Barrett, & Luke
The girls loved all of their presents.Here are me and my birthday girls.
The Girls loved playing!
This cake took me a long time to make, but I
would do it all again. It was very much worth all
the effort. The girls really liked their 1st birthday cake!
Thankyou to everyone who came to join in on this very special day with us. Thankyou you for all of your gifts. We and the girls enjoyed having all of you over!
High School Musical was at fairpark on the 4th, so we took the kids.
It was really wonderfull. They also made a comedy out of it, which was great also. The kids loved it. They sang along, and danced.
We watched fireworks that night at fairpark also. Here we are all waiting.
Today was so much fun, this was the best children's museum that we ever have gone to.
Amberly and Brenton loved playing school.
They also got to do a little grocery shopping. They had lists to shop with, and I gave one to Brenton, and he did really well. He really liked that part.
Robin played a little more than the kids did. In almost every picture I took, he was in it too playing.
There was a toddler play area for the girls too. They really enjoyed getting out of thier stroller and crawling around. We really liked Houston alot, except the crazy drivers. We got cut off on the highway about 15 times.
The space center was awesome! We didn't have enough time to do every thing, so we will have to go back. We bought annual passes while we were there.
Amberly and Brenton had so much fun!
They had fake space men every where, so you could see what it is like for them in outerspace.
Bugs Bunny and the gang wher there too. Brenton got a hug fron Scooby Doo.
Robin got on stage and danced for the kids. It was soooo funny! We all had a blast. I can't wait to go back.
We decided to go on a hike, and visit the animals on the farm. This is Otis.
Brenton really loved the goats.
Then we made smores! Brenton liked toasting the marshmallows most of all.
Amberly just hung out in the hammock eating her smores.
Brily was passed out , and I think Avery was getting delirious.
We went on a safari today, and the animals were very friendly. Some were a little scary, with thier big antlers.
I was screaming when the zebra stuck it's head in my window. I had Brily on my lap, and there were signs posted everywhere that read the zebras do bite.
I think that the girraffes were everyone's favorite part, they were so friendly, one even licked Avery on the hand.
When we got back from our safari we decided to go swimming in the river.
Robin and the kids found an underwater spring, and Robin said that you could drink from it, so I dared him too, and he did.
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