I've been really busy the last couple of weeks, so below are four postings of the last couple of weeks.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A new room
Cupcake fever!
School cupcakes
One Busy Saturday!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I don't know what is going on, but this week we are definitely keeping the tooth fairy in business. Amberly lost a tooth a few days ago, and Brenton lost a tooth today. Brenton told his teacher that he couldn't eat hard food today, and she took him to the nurses office. He told me that they were trying to pull his tooth out with tweezers. I guess that their hard work paid off, because at dinner it came out.
Pumpkins and Shots
Since we have too many pumpkins to carve we have decided that this year we were going to paint them instead. This was how they turned out. We have from left to right a vampire, a jack-o-lantern, a vampire witch, and a spider. The girls had their 15 month check up. They each got two shots, and were not very happy about it. The doctor said that they are doing and growing great.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Big Orange Pumpkin Patch
We took a trip to the pumpkin patch in Celina yesterday. This was the first time that we have been to a pumpkin patch, and the kids loved it. When you get there they give you a cup of feed for all of the farm animals. The girls liked the goats, but they did not like the cows. The cows slobber was flying through the air, and getting all over Brily.
Brenton was so excited about climbing on the giant spider, but then got scared and would only go on the legs.
Avery and Brily tried to pick up every pumpkin that they saw.
We could only get Brily to stay when we put her on the pumpkin, she wanted to run everywhere. If your wondering why the hair bow for Amberly, she saw me making the girls Halloween hair bows, and decided that she needed one too. We made a headband for her, but it didn't last long. We all had a really great time. I think that we have a new family fall tradition.
Friday, October 10, 2008
State Fair of Texas
On Thursday we took the kids to the fair. We all had a blast as always! We went through Little Hands On the Farm. The kids really enjoy this, but sadly this was Amberly's last year to get to participate.
The girls got a kick out of the baby Bordon cow. It was licking their toes.
Look who's walking too!
Finally, Avery has decided to start walking. She surly does take her own sweet time. Congratulations Monkey!