Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Renaissance Festival

On Saturday we took the kids, picked up my Uncle Terry, and met my mom and stepdad at the Renaissance Festival. Everyone had a blast. If you like to people watch, you would love it. We saw a pyrojuggler that was awesome. I would reccomend it to anyone.

Amberly with the Fairy. She doesn't speak, she signs.

Brenton loved getting his picture with the King and Queen.

Mom and Uncle Terry had to hold Amberly and Brenton up for this picture.

Robin with my beautiful girls.( I made thier shirts and bows by the way.)

Amberly and Brenton got to battle it out.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Playing Around

We got a new playhouse.

I think that all of the children love it.

Here is Brily touching things she is not supposed to again.

Avery is taking advantage of alone time.

Brily is just being goofy as usual.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ice Skating

Sunday afternoon we decided to go ice skating.
Robin, Amberly, and Brenton all started out on the wall.

Amberly skated with her feet like this the whole time.

The kids almost took Robin down with them.

Brother and Sister love.

Watching the zamboni.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Spring Time Fun!

Robin and the kids decided to have a water fight in the backyard. It started out with water guns, then went to buckets.

Amberly got Brenton, and he started to cry.

Robin got Amberly good.
Brenton posing with the frog that he caught.

Amberly wouldn't touch the frog that she caught.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just hanging out

Avery found a box of panty liners.

Brenton and Avery giving Robin a back rub.